
by Neil Shepard
review by Stephen CramerMallika Voraby Neil Shepard

The Book of Failures

Neil Shepard’s ninth book of poems, The Book of Failures, follows his collection of selected poems, How It Is, which gathered a quarter century’s worth of his work. After reading that book, I thought I would know what to expect from Shepard, but this new book startles, astonishes, provides the reader with a rare gift:  "a second life / in order to process the first one."

review by Stephen CramerMallika Voraby Neil Shepard
The Book of Failures
review by David CookeMallika Voraby Neil Shepard

How it is, Selected Poems

…Its tight-lipped title would seem to imply a stoical acceptance of the ways of the world, something which is borne out by a closer scrutiny of the poems and has been reinforced perhaps by his familiarity with the farming community of Vermont…

review by David CookeMallika Voraby Neil Shepard
How it is, Selected Poems